Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chapter 9: Trickery


Her mother is still in council with the females of the other nests, Emrys is out with Aymeri, searching for Riain, leaving only her father and Oren in the nest to look after her. But she's nearly an adult now herself, and needs no looking after. Arienh slips out at dawn's first light to meet Kirwyn, the dragon she's chosen as her first.

"Here," he says, leading her to an unclaimed spot in the territories held by their kind, "I found the perfect place for our nest."

"It is perfect," she says, sitting nestled against him, letting him wrap his arms around her as her back rests against his his chest, "I wish we could start using it now." Adulthood cannot come quickly enough, Arienh longs to leave her mother's nest and lead her own.

"I slept here last night," Kirwyn tells her, "And I will stay here until you come of age and can make it ours."

Dragons choose one nest and never move from it, and as there are no other females coming of age for years to come, there is no need for Kirwyn to guard their claim. "I'm sorry you have to wait for me," Arienh says, understanding that he's staying out here alone to avoid the other males in his mother's nest,  "It can't be easy to be an adult and still be called a child."

"I just think about you, Arienh," he says softly, coming around to face her, drawing her close to taste her lips, "Being your first will be worth the wait."

"I cannot give your markings yet," she says, he voice grown husky with desire, "But I can make you mine, right here, in our nest, right now..."

"Arienh," Emrys calls here name, coming on the pair.

Suddenly a child again, Arienh hides herself behind Kirwyn. "Emrys, First of Radhari," Kirwyn says in greeting,  speaking as an adult male though he is as yet unmarked, "Aymeri, First of Tearhne," his brother, born of the same mother, but even with their blood relation, a formal greeting is always required when males of other nests meet.

"You should be in the nest, daughter," Emrys says to Arienh, "These are dangerous times."

"This will be my nest, soon enough," Arienh, coming out from behind her chosen First, "And Kirwyn can protect me from any danger."

Kirwyn expected to be taunted, called a child and told to go back to his mother's nest, but these dragons are on a serious mission and have no interest the typical tests and provings males force on each other. 

"Ico, my fairy, has been taken," Aymeri explains, "I fear one of the nests that stand against us may have captured her."

"Like our mother's nest?" Kirwyn asks. Aithne leads the charge for war against the fairies, and has recommended brutal punishment against Tearhne's whole nest for their infraction of the dragon law. A law that both he and Arienh now break by standing in the presence of the fairies present in Aymeri's band of followers, though their status as juveniles would protect them from any punishment.

"Have they taken her?" Aymei asks him.

Kirwyn shakes his head, "Not since yesterday afternoon. I've been out here and haven't seen any of Aithne's mates to know what they've been doing since."

Auberon stands separate from his companions as they confer about which dragon nest would be the most likely to have stolen Ico. He's been in their company only a short time, but is already becoming too well acquainted with the dragons' penchant for discussing everything at great length. The fairy is surprised by this, having expected them to act quickly, without thought, a prejudice he acquired by having previously only known them in their other, more bestial form. 

But all this discussion is not helping them find Ico, and Auberon decides it is time for him to take immediate action. He raises his arms into the air, calling on his magic.

Arienh gasps sharply and Kirwyn points n Auberon's direction, "The fairy is doing something!"

Whoever has Ico has shielded her from discovery by means of magic, and Auberon cannot find her with his mind. But no spell can protect her from the elements, and all he needs is one drop of rain to fall on her, touch her skin, and he will know where she is.

As the rain he called falls to the ground, so does Auberon collapse to his knees. He's had no rest for days, and he's expended so much magic, constructing a house from his imagination, the pain he'd inflicted on Riain, and now this, fragmenting his consciousness amongst the countless raindrops that fall over the land, seeking Ico, has pushed him to the edge of what he can bear. And though he hates to expose the limits of his power to these dragons that watch him now, it will be worth it when he finds his missing fairy.

"Having her here makes people nervous," Tor says, "They fear what she will do if you cannot hold her." He isn't telling the Spirit Talker half of what the people are grumbling about. Aven has served the tribe well since the spirits showed her their favor, she's tended their wounds, birthed their children, predicted the changes in weather and the movements of the herds they follow. But while they are all grateful for what she does for them, they also fear her for the very power she uses to serve them.

She brought them here to this land of plenty, drawn by a vision, and Tor was well pleased to settle his people in a place of such warmth and beauty. But it's also a land of new dangers, strange creatures unlike any of the beasts they hunt or the predators they compete with for their prey, creatures of greater magic than even their Spirit Talker, who took two of their best hunters down without leaving a mark from fang, claw or weapon. Now one of these creatures is being kept in her ht, and his people grow anxious.

The Spirit Talker for him to follow her into the hut.

"You think I cannot hold her?" she asks, magic swirling visibly around her as she raises her arm in a mystical gesture. "You forget how much power I hold."

Ico watches the display in bemused silence. The magic the woman is casting is just light and color, nothing but a display to impress the male. And judging from his expression, her illusion worked, and the man leaves satisfied with her power.

"What do you want from me?" Ico dares to ask when she's alone with her captor. Though the spell she displayed for the male was a simple trick, Ico is quite aware of this woman's real power. Though she does not understand how she acquired it, it is strong enough to hold Ico prisoner here in this circle of stones.

"I want your magic," the woman answers.

"My magic?" Ico asks, "My magic is my very essence, it's not something I can separate from myself to give you."

The woman smiles in a way that makes Ico shiver, "Magic is not something you are given, it is something you must take."

Uvie stands outside the doorway, listening to her mother's exchange with the beautiful spirit.

"I cannot delay much longer; I'm going to gather what I need for the sacrifice," Aven says as she leaves the hut. She hadn't expected this rain, which troubles her, as she always knows the shifts in weather before they occur, but she will not let it deter her from her purpose. Tor can be placated by cheap illusions for only so long, and Aven must carry out her plan before he seeks to interfere, "Be sure that none enter the hut while I'm away," she instructs her daughter, "And do not enter the circle again. That creature is dangerous and you haven't the experience to protect yourself."

Uvie nods, promising to do as her mother says, while she makes plans to break her word. She'll find a way to stop her mother from killing the beautiful spirit and taking her power. She has to.

The rain falls on the thatched roof of the hut, but not a drop penetrates it to find Ico. She can hear Auberon, his consciousness present in every drop, calling out for her, but she cannot respond if she cannot touch the water that carries him.

She sinks to her knees in despair, her hope of rescue fading quickly.

The girl enters and kneels in front of her, just outside the circle that holds her prisoner. Ico sorely regrets attacking the girl when she first woke up here, as she may have lost her only chance at gaining an ally to help her escape. 

"I am Uvie," the girl says, staring in obvious fascintion.

"I am Icovellauna," Ico answers, her hope rising again as she realizes that while the girl may fear her, she appears ready to trust. "Can you help me escape this place?"

Uvie nods happily, and then frowns, "I cannot break the circle spell my mother placed here," she says sadly, realizing that her desire to help the spirit may come to nothing after all.

"You don't have to," Ico say with a smile, leaning over the stone bowl of water placed in the circle for her to drink. Ico touches the water, infusing it with her essence. Uvie enters the circle to watch her, her fear completely gone now. "Take this bowl out into the rain," Ico instructs her, careful not to make any gesture that would startle the girl, "Take it somewhere away from your people, and do not spill any of it. When you are somewhere safe, let the rain fall into the bowl. It will summon one of my kind. Tell him you are my friend, and lead him to me. He will help me escape."

Ico feels a pang of guilt a the girl walks carefully away with the bowl of water, fearing the destruction Auberon will bring to these people as he rescues her. If she can, she will protect Uvie from his wrath.

His consciousness is embedded in very drop of rain that falls, he feels every blade of grass, every bird's feather, every stone, every animal pelt touched by the sudden downpour, but he still cannot find Ico.

"I don't understand," he whispers to the dragons that kneel beside him, waiting for his plan to come to fruition "What kind of spell can protect her from rain?"

"Maybe she is inside somewhere?" Riain suggests, his own memories of being held inside still recent and unpleasant.

Uvie lays the bowl on the ground in safe place, neither too close nor too far from the encampment, and away from the direction her mother went off in, and watches as the drops of rain fall into the water, waiting.

Auberon rises as his rain finds its intended target. "I feel her now," he says, almost moaning, "I've found her."

The air shimmers around him, and he's gone...

Reappearing in the place where his rain touched Ico.

"What trickery is this?" Auberon demands of the creature he found in place of Ico, his anger rising at being so deceived by what can only be one of the creatures Shayeleigh described as hunting her. "What have you done with her?"


  1. Fantastic! I love how Auberon realised that the dragons like to talk and plan and go over and over things. That is my understanding of dragons as well. They live seemingly forever and have that forever to take things slowly. Although here, they don't have long to get to Ico and take that hedge witch out of the equation so that they can get the rest of the dragons in order. ^_^

    1. Dragons are immortal and somewhat conservative and slow to make decisions or changes. Though they do have tempers that will cause them act rashly out of anger, but most of the time, yeah, it's like watching a drop of water erode stone, they take forever. But you are right, they are in a situation where they really need to get a move on, and Auberon just ran out of patience with the dragon pace of things.
      And thank you so much, I'm so happy you are enjoying this story.

  2. I did actually laugh when Auberon lost his patience and used his magic to make it rain. I swear, they way you use mods and cheats just feels so natural and easy. As if they were in the base game. And I never realized how amazing your use of the fog emitter is until I tried using them @_@.

    I reeaaaally hope Auberon doesn't hurt Uvie. She's trying to help!

    1. Thanks Cece! I do enjoy playing with the fog emitter you can do a lot of cool stuff with it.

      I'm pretty sure if I let Auberon hurt Uvie, everyone would be really mad at me, lol.

  3. I'm afraid for the human tribe. D=

    Do you place the fog emitter on the OMSP?

    1. Yeah, you don't want a pissed off Auberon coming for you...

      There's a mod on MTS by whiterider that allows you to raise and lower the fog emitter, so I don't need the OMSP for that. But that is certainly another way to do it.

  4. Oh Goodness Melissa this is by far the best chapter. I loved it. I am so glad I was able to read it. I am trying hard to catch up. Hopefully I will.

    Anyways, That was smart of Ico to know what to do. I feel bad for Uvie though she is going to get hurt.

    Great Chapter.

    1. Thank you so much!
      Ico understood what Auberon was trying to do with the rain, so she figured out a way to make it happen. Unfortunately she is endangering Uvie in the process, but she's a smart girl, so don't count her out yet!

  5. Loved it! Auberon is proving to be very powerful although it looks like he has his limits. Now that he has found the location of the humans...I feel bad for them! I imagine he's not going to show much mercy! Not all of them deserve it especially not Uvie who has helped! Now Aven....

    1. Thanks, Aeon! There are limits to Auberon's power, and he's been pushing himself to his limits these past days. He might regret leaving the dragons behind and rushing off to face the humans on his own.
      Most of the humans really don't deserve Auberon's wrath, they aren't even involved in this mess. And they'd probably prefer that their Spirit Talker not keep strange magical creatures prisoner in their encampment, but they are mostly too afraid of her to confront her. But Aven herself, yeah, she's ready to take Ico's life to steal her power, she doesn't deserve much mercy.

  6. I still wonder where Aven got her powers from. Did she steal them from another magical creature, as she was planning to do with Ico? Or can some humans have powers all their own? Sorry, that part confused me a little.

    Awesome chapter! Really, really great. Your cliff hangers always leave me wanting more. =D I don't think Uvie's going to die, but I guess we will have to wait and see. Also, I hope Aven doesn't die. If she wasn't so evil, she could potentially use her magic to help the dragons and faeries see that humans aren't so bad. And then they could all live happily ever after!

    /wishful thinking

    Though now that I think about it, what "powers" do the humans have that can protect them from the faeries? I mean, it seems like a pretty one-sided battle, Auberon against a village of hunter-gatherers. Without Aven, humans aren't much of a threat to the magical beings (I don't think). I haven't read much fantasy, so it's probably a stupid question, but it's something I've been wondering about. I'm a big believer in the overall good of humankind, so I tend to be very sympathetic to human characters in stories like these.

    Looking forward to more! =)

    1. Also, since you are going to be showing the overall evolution of the human species (or I thought that's what you said at one point), does this mean Uvie's going to grow old and die? =(

      Perhaps, if she does, you can make her reincarnate as something else. That would be interesting...

      (I really like Uvie, in case you couldn't tell. She's a human, and she's good, and she doesn't seem stupid. All qualities I admire.)

    2. I haven't really explained the source or nature of Aven powers. It is true that many tribal cultures believe that you can attain certain attributes of a creature or person by killing and eating certain parts of it. So, that would be where Aven got the idea that she could get Ico's magic by killing her.
      The humans don't have much going for them in a battle against fairies (or dragons!). They have their weapons, and Aven's simple magic, which does not come close to comparing to Auberon's. He could wipe this whole settlement out with a thought, if he wanted, and Aven wouldn't be able to protect them.
      I did say I would be portraying the evolution of human society. Some of it will be in large time jumps, so I could possibly wrap up the Stone Age portion of the story before Uvie grows old and dies. I said 'could', lol. I have some very specific plans for her that I won't spoiler here. She will have a major role in the story to come, one that I hope will make Uvie fans happy.
      Some of it is even hinted at in my Roman legacy (which is to say, I got the idea for this story line from a throw away line I wrote into my Roman legacy).

  7. I fear for Uvie and Auberon's temper. Hopefully she can get out that she's a friend before he unleashes his anger on her. Though, he IS in a weakened state. I hope that weakened state won't hinder him too much when it comes to battling Uvie's mother--an inevitability in my mind.

    1. Auberon's weakened state will probably be the thing that spares the humans from total annihilation. Spending what energy he has left on anything but getting Ico out of Aven's prison would just not be prudent for him t this time. Hopefully he realizes that; he can be a little arrogant. Just a little, lol.

  8. This chapter is wonderfully done!

    I'm curious about Aven and how she planned on "stealing" Ico's powers. Also, I'm so glad that Uvie is helping Ico - although the thought of what Auberon is going to do next makes me anxious. The only human I really want him to *hopefully* have a stern talking to is Aven. All the rest seem to be unwilling participants in her schemes (or at the very least, too scared to do anything about it... which doesn't necessarily make them accomplices in my book).

    Anyway - I can't wait for your next chapter!

    1. Thanks, Giga!
      There will be more about Aven and how she plans to steal Ico's magic in the next chapter.
      It's certainly true that the humans for the most part don't want any part of what Aven is up to, they are just too afraid of her to interfere with her, and they don't really deserve any punishment from Auberon.
      Hopefully Uvie won't have to regret her decision to help Ico.

  9. Uvie better speak fast before Auberon loses his temper. I don't think she and her mother realize what they dealing with.

    1. Uvie and her mother have never encountered fae before. And Uvie will have to speak up fast before Auberon goes into anger mode.

  10. Yay, Auberon is learning things! And that whole rain essence thing is so cool. :)

    1. These three cultures coming together is a learning process for everyone. Auberon is learning to adapt, a little.

      Thanks! I like using Ico's water related abilities in th story.

  11. Why is Kirwyn avoiding the other males in his mother's nest?

    Oh, that's a little sad that Aithne has decided to come down hard on Tearhne's nest. But not unexpected, given the divide of thought on the fairies. Nice little magick trick of Auberon's there, calling the rain to find Ico. Except that might not work if they still have her in the shelter/hut she was in.

    I was afraid of that, that Aven would kill Ico to steal her magic, after Ico expressed that it was her very essence. Uvie is brave to go against her mother, and kind-hearted (or perhaps young and idealistic?) to seek to prevent it. I'm glad Ico wants to protect her.

    1. Kirwyn is in the difficult position of being physically mature,but because he's not yet mated and left his mother's nest, he's treated as a juvenile. Which would be humiliating enough for a young man, but his mother's (Aithne) nest also happens to be one of the most brutal, so the hazing would be pretty bad.
      And, yeah, that kind of hard line conservatism also made Aithne's nest come down hard on Tearhne's.

      Auberon didn't think about Ico being inside, but yes, that will get in the way of his plans.

      Uvie is brave to go against her mother, but she does what she believes is right.
