Saturday, March 16, 2013

Chapter 34: For the Rest of Our Lives


"He's gone," Evenfall says, her voice ragged and broken from the hours spent crying in her father's arms, "Gone forever."

Forever. The word sends Auberon down into the deep well of his thoughts. Forever belongs to their kind, fae and dragon alike, immortals who never die. Except, the dragons do die more often than they should, tossing their immortality aside, throwing their lives away for a violent death.

"He was a dragon," Auberon's thoughts become spoken words, "His kind chase after death, and eventually, even if it takes thousands of years, they all find it."

Evenfall's sobs grow more desperate at his words. Auberon turns to kiss her forehead. "When your mother's human mate passed into their spirit realm, I tried to comfort her. But I only made her misery worse," he says.

"Please, just stop talking," Evenfall pleads, "Just, hold me and let me cry."

Silence is the one comfort he can offer her, so he gives it to her.

"I would happily wait for our wedding night," Treveur whispers, but there is a hunger in his voice that says  he would not be as happy to wait as he is willing. 

Gaelle leans close to him as she slips her hands into his, and is surprised for a moment at the smoothness of his skin, soft and unused to labor. "I would not be so happy to wait," she whispers, flirting, trying not to think of Morvyn's hands, their roughness tickling his skin where he'd touch her. It cannot wait, she thinks, if she's to have any chance of him believing the child she carries is his.

She moves her hands to his face, drawing him closer to kiss him, feigning shyness at first, and growing bolder as his tongue finds hers. All through their youth, she has been his only desire, and she must be sure that he believes she has been his alone. She does not, at least, have to feign attraction or affection, for she's always been fond of Treveur, and even loved him. That love was not enough to keep her from straying, but it is enough to allow herself to take real pleasure in his caresses, to feel real desire as they remove each other's garments and fall into the bed together. She could even forget to think about Morvyn at all, if it were not for the sting of guilt of knowing that while spends this night in the arms of the man she will marry, Morvyn spends his imprisoned, possibly tortured, all because she gave him up to the dragon slayer, just to save herself. And the child, she reminds herself, trying to brush the guilt away, everything she's does now, is for the good of her child.

"Did I hurt you, my love?" Treveur whispers, seeing the single tear that rolls down Gaelle's cheek.

"No. Well, just a little," Gaelle lies, remembering to pretend that this was her first time, "But my tears are for joy, knowing that we will be together forever." It is the last tear she will shed for Morvyn, she decides, the last thought she will spare for him. Even indulging in pleasant memories would be too much of a risk now. From this night forward, she must think if herself, and her child, as Treveur's, and forget anything else.

"I will go ahead and tell Aymeri and the others you are free. Shayeleigh and Moth will accompany you the rest of the way back to the nest," Ico tells Morvyn once they've gotten a good distance from the dragon slayer's prison tower. They've come to  a stream by the side of the road, not far from the forest protected by the dragons' wards, and Ico can travel much faster through water than she can over land.

"Shayeleigh can go with you," Morvyn says, "I can make it back alone."

Ico bites her lip; if they were to loose Morvyn again, all we be for naught. But it's also clear that Shayeleigh herself longs to be off the road and back to the safety of home, back to Riain, who will be worried about her. "Moth will stay with you," she decides, "He can alert us if anything happens."

"Nothing will happen," Morvyn promises, "The dragon slayer won't be out looking for me so soon. And once I get to our forest, he'll never find me at all."

Assured if his safety, Ico enters the stream, and disappears into the waters, while Shayeleigh trades her horse form for a swift flying bird. She won't travel as fast as Ico can, but she'll be home quicker through the air than she could be at her fastest gallop as a horse.

As soon as they're gone, Morvyn takes off his clothes and enters the water. He can't travel very far this way, but he can wash the grime of the prison off him, something he could not wait to do for abnother moment.

Ceyrth lowers himself into a stealthy crouch when he spots the lone figure bathing in the stream, and gestures for Kelyn to do the same.

"That's one of mine," Kelyn says, keeping her voice low even though she doesn't bother to hide as Ceyrth has.

Since his escape, Morvyn's heightened senses have been slowly returning to him, and he turns at the sound of Kelyn's low whisper, preparing to fight if he has to, or flee if it's the dragon slayer.

But what Morvyn sees is definitely no human. The voce he heard was a female dragon, unfamiliar to him, and her silent companion must be a fae, though unlike any of the fairies he'd known in his life.

Thousands of years have passed since dragon fought fought dragon, but that is no guarantee that this unfamiliar dragon's intentions are peaceful. "Who are you, sister?" Morvyn calls up to her, "What brings you to Aymeri's territory?"

The female crouches by the stream's edge, looking him over closely, while her companion keeps a safe distance between them. "You must be Morvyn," she says, surprising him, "Fearghus and Inira speak fondly of you. You bear a close resemblance to your sister."

Morvyn relaxes; if she knows Inira and Fearghus, she must have born in the northern lands where his sister had moved her nest some hundreds of years ago, after she and Fearghus had their first child. 

"You know my name," Morvyn says, "Will you give me yours?"

"I am Kelyn, daughter of Dechtire," she ays. It's a formal introduction, Morvyn notes, and she names her status as a daughter, indicating that she has no nest of her own, though she's obviously not a juvenile. Dragon's have changed over the years since the great war. Once, a male like himself living without a mate in his mother's nest would be treated as a juvenile, but now Morvyn is free to be both single and an adult. But never in his thousands of years of living has he heard of a female who hadn't taken at least one mate. 

Curious as he is about her situation, such a personal question to someone he just met would be unforgivably rude, so instead he asks about Inira and Fearghus, as he is equally curious about how they have fared.

"My companion and I are traveling with them," Kelyn tells him, "We were a ways north of here when we heard Talfryn," she says, her voice dropping into a solemn tone, "Inira and Fearghus lost their eldest son to the dragon slayer not five years past. And just this last year, their second fell to his sword. They were coming back to the south to get away from that, only to hear the death cry of Inira's brother."

"How many of us has killed?" Morvyn asks, shocked by her tale.

"Too many," she says, "He wasn't the first of his kind, nor will he be the last, as the mortals idolize the ones who can call themselves dragon slayers. But this one at least is dead," she finishes proudly, "I'm just coming back from killing now."

"How?" Morvyn asks, "That metal he wears...when he took me prisoner, I scarcely had the strength of a human, and I couldn't fight him and his men off."

"He was not in his armor, or carrying more than a simple dagger when I took him," Kelyn explains, something about that fact suddenly not sitting right with her. The dragon slayer never went about without his men or his sword at the very least, "But, even if he had the metal on him, it can weaken only our magic and our senses, it cannot dull our blades."

"You use human weapons," Morvyn says, noticing for the first time the sword and dagger she wears around her waist.

A disdainful snort coms from her otherwise silent friend. "Those weapons are of alfar make," he says, "And far superior to anything the mortals can forge."

"Except that the human weapons have magic," Morvyn points out. "What is an 'alfar'?"

"That's Ceyrth," Kelyn makes a belated introduction, "He's an alfar. If you have ten or so evenings free, he can recite his whole people's history in poetry," she laughs, "There are even a few interesting parts."

"Maybe when I'm not standing up to my waist in water," Morvyn says, "We should meet up with Inira and Fearghus, and get back to the nest."

Barely an hour after leaving Morvyn, Ico rises from the well by their nest.

Though the hour is late, she's not surprised to find Seirian and Arienh in the common room waiting for any news of their captured son, and Riain pacing around worried about Shayeleigh.

"Morvyn is free," Ico tells them, "I left him with Moth just outside the forest. He should be home by morning."

Seirian and his mate turn to each other in relief.

"And Shayeleigh?" Riain asks.

"She's right behind me," she assures him, "We couldn't have done this without her help."

Aymeri was not waiting with the others; Ico finds him alone in the darkness of their bedroom.

"Morvyn is free," she tells him.

His head lifts slightly in a nod, but he says nothing, and does not even glance in her direction.

Ico kneels on the bed beside him, taking his face in her hands and making him look at her. "My love," she whispers

"I should be happy that Morvyn is free." Aymeri says, his voice too hoarse to rise above a strained whisper, "But it doesn't bring Talfryn back."

"I left you to mourn alone," Ico says sadly, understanding how much he needed her to be with him, "I was not here when you needed me."

"You did what had to be done," Aymeri murmurs, pulling her close into his arms, finally able to let his tears flow now that she's with him.

He spends his grief in a torrent of tears, and when he's done he rises to his knees, pulling her up with him, pressed against his chest, his lips locked to hers in a deep kiss.

Instinct drives him now like it did on the day he met her, a need for her that he cannot deny, a compulsion he cannot refuse. Her clothing tears away without him realizing he was undressing her, and she slides beneath him, taking him inside her. Like a river meeting the ocean, his consciousness flows into hers, water meeting water, merging into one body. As one, they remember, they remember that moment, when their eyes first met, and they knew each other. For a moment, that memory shines bright, and then fades back behind the thousands of years they've spent together, joined now as they were then.

"I was so young, and foolish enough to believe I understood love," he says, not having to explain to her what he means, "But I had barely touched the surface of love."

Sterren wakes with the sun, wrapped in Reinier's embrace. "It will be like this for us every morning," he whispers.

"We will wake up, and I will make love you, every day for the rest of our lives," he continues, kissing her hungrily as he rolls her onto her back.

Sterren pulls him down toward her as she lifts herself up, holding him close as he enters her gently, slowly, clinging to him with a sad kind of desperation. She wants to believe that his promise will be real, and she does believe he means what he says. But she knows she betrayed him by releasing his prisoner, and even if he never learns of her involvement, she will always know, and it will always be a wall between them, a lie she will always have to live so long as she is with him, and nothing will ever be the same with him again.

The shouting starts shortly after they've dressed. At first it's distant, coming from the lower floors of the keep, but eventually rises to this floor, to the hall outside her door, and then enters. Sterren braces herself, preparing to act surprised when the news of the prisoner's escape is revealed.

"My husband!" Edelina both shrieks and sobs in the same breath, running up to Reinier, "He is dead! Murdered!"

Sterren can only stand in wooden silence. This is surprising news, and not at all what she was preparing for. Did the wilder take revenge before getting away, did the fairies have this planned all along? she wonders.

"They came out of the shadows," Anselm reports what he remembers of the attack to Reinier, "The man had me down before I knew he was there. He was man, though. His ears were large and pointed, his skin an odd, pale color and his face covered with evil markings. Before he knocked me out, I just caught a glimpse of the woman who murdered Diedericx. She was a wilder, no mistake. As she stuck the knife in, she said 'You'll never kill another dragon'. And that was the last I saw or heard until I was awakened this morning."

"Never kill another dragon?" Reinier muses. His brother had never killed any dragons in his life. The only other living Landgraab who could name himself Dragon Slayer was their uncle Osbrand, who was now too weakened by age to so much as hunt rabbit. The last dragon he'd felled was back when Reinier was just learning to walk. "I was their target," he says, his lips hardening into a frown. "And I was right, there is a connection between the dragons and these wilders. It's time I had a word with my prisoner."

Sterren's heart drops down into her stomach, and she has to use all her strength just to keep her knees from giving way beneath her. 

Reinier turns to head toward the tower prison, only to find the tower's night guard approaching.

"My lord," the guard says, bowing before he launches into his own carefully crafted spiel, "Wilders have attacked the tower, and released the prisoner."

"Attacked? How is it we heard nothing of this?" Reinier demands.

"They came in through the windows, my lord, all quiet like. I tried to call out, but they were on me before I could say a word. Threw me so hard against the wall that I knew nothing for the rest of the night. When the day came on me this morning, we found the prisoner's cell empty, and a length of rope hanging out the window."

Any worry Sterren harbored that the guard might recognize her and identify her to Reinier dissipates in the face of his self-serving lies. Of course, he'd come up with such a tale rather than admit to his lord that he took a drink from a strange servant girl in the middle of his watch.

But the lie compounds Reinier's belief that he wilders orchestrated this attack, intending to both free his prisoner and assassinate him at the same time. For all Sterren knows, they did, and they and their allies among the fair folk used her to help them carry out their plan.

Reinier immediately calls for a curfew for the whole town, and doubles both his personal guard as well as the night watch for all of Odet. "Send for the scribe," he orders, planning to write to his master smith back in the Landgraab's home country, to demand more of the blue iron that weakens his magic wielding enemies.

"Reinier," Sterren says, claiming his attention while he waits for the scribe, "Perhaps it would be best if I returned to Avendale until you've settled your brother's affairs."

"Leave me? No, Sterren, you cannot leave me now," Reinier says, turning to face her, "I need you with me now. To stand by me as a wife."

"I'm just a guest here," she protests, "No matter how you feel about me, the people won't se me as your wife, or even as nobility. I should get out of your way until you are free again to join me," she says, knowing even as she speaks the words that he will not be joining her. Whatever he believed he was capable of, giving up his name and title was not something he would do even for love, and it's better that they part now rather than continue pretending that they have a future together.

"You will not leave my side, Sterren," he says, gripping her arms tightly, "The time for games is done. There are assassins out for my blood, and there will be no time ever again when I am free of that. I'm taking Odet and fortifying it to protect me. To protect us, Sterren, for you will be my wife. We will marry as soon as I can arrange it. I need you. You cannot leave me now. I will not allow it."


  1. Run, Sterren... Run away!!

    Arms flailing would be a nice touch.

    1. Yeah, all the warning signs are out, now would be a good time for Sterren to make a run for it.
      I don't thinks there's an arms flailing pose, but there is the animation from being attacked by bees. That has lots of flailing, lol.

  2. Poor Aymeri. =( Dragons dying left and right, and his next kid will be a gosh darn fairy.

    I love Reinier's colorful outfits. Can't get away with that kind of style anymore. xD

    1. Okay, did you say that because you know Ico is going to have some news next chapter? Because, you freak me out with your ability to know what I'm going to do before I do it. o_0

      That's one thing I enjoy about ye olde fashion, men used to be more colorful, like the peacocks they are. It's funny how our ideas of masculinity changed so much in the modern era.

    2. Haha! I had a feeling it would be soon.

      Looking forward to Ico's reaction to it.

    3. Also, we haven't seen Tania in a jealous snit in ages. It's time for a comeback, lol.

    4. We haven't seen *Tania* in ages.



    5. Really! Tania is probably in a snit about tht too.I mean, she's the star of this story. It's even named after her! LOL
      Anyway, fyi, I just updated the character index and there's a sort of spoiler, maybe. Just a hint of a spoiler. I know you like those. ;D

  3. I want Reinier to get what's comming to him before he can hurt Sterren but I know he's probably one of those bad guys that will linger like a fart in a hot car.

    1. LOL!
      Well, yeah, Reinier will probably linger on longer than he's wanted. A lot longer.

  4. I feel sorry for Auberon. He's trying to help his daughter, but just doesn't know what to say. I'm like that, never know what to say when someone's lost someone, even though I've been through it.

    I'm happy Gaelle manage to convince Treveur that he was her first. I wasn't sure how that was going to go down, but I'm glad he won't know, and he'll raise this child as his own... Unless it has Morvyns hair... That will be awkward... :|

    I got a REALLY bad feeling when Morvyn told Ico, Shayleigh and Moth to go on without him. I was CERTAIN that he'd be recaptured. Thank The Lady I was wrong!! I'm glad Morvyn knows Kelyn isn't a threat, and I hope he's right. I was pretty surprised Moth didn't jump out all excited and pounce on Ceryth, I can imagine him wanting to know all about him and hear his history in poetry ;)

    Like Ico, I for some reason didn't think about poor Aymeri being abandoned to grieve alone. Weird, cus I usually notice things like that... I'm glad he can cry with Ico, and I loved their little mental flashbacks to when they first met :) It was so sweet. I hope Ico can give him a child? *hint hint* yeah? :D

    And finally, OMG, Sterren! RUN! RUN FAR! Aaahhhh!
    Reinier has snapped. Yeah, I understand, his brother has just been murdered when he was the intended target, but Sterren needs to escape before he bumps up the security, otherwise she may not get a chance.
    I hope Sterren can work out it wasn't her fae friends who killed *him* (There is no way I can spell his name, and I'm too lazy to scroll up), I have a feeling she'll need their help again, and I don't want her to turn them down.
    I love that last picture. Sterren looks so small and helpless, and Reinier looks like this huge overbearing super-power. Which is exactly what we're all supposed to think.

    (I love Arienh's top! I've not noticed it before. I want it IRL.)

    1. Yeah, me too, actually. And Auberon's perspective on things is always a little off.

      A child born with Morvyn's hair would be more than awkward. Because it's so unnaturally white, and, it;s probably hard to see in screenshots, but there's blue tips and highlights to it. That would just freak people out. But, Treveur has been successfully duped and wil be raising a dragon baby believing it's his.

      I thought people might get worried when I left Morvyn alone. I had such issues with that scene, and I totally had to reshoot it from what I originally had. At first, I had Morvyn's group run into Inira and Fearghus, and the Kelyn and Ceyrth showed up. But all these people would have so much to say, I had multiple conversations going on at once, and most of them weren't really necessary forthe reader, like having to have Morvyn re-explain his capture and escape twice. Plus, though I had some lovely pics of Ceyrth meeting Ico that I hated giving up, that moment kind of required it's own scene, and not be mashed up in everything else. Long story short, the scene was unruly and wouldn't flow well, so I cut the whole thing down to Morvyn being alone when he meets Ceyrth and Kelyn. And s I was writing that, I thought it looked like I was setting him up for recapture, but I wasn't.
      Moth is excitable, but he's not the type to go revealing himself to strangers. But I'm positive Ceyrth would have pounced on Moth if he knew he was in the presence of a fae.
      You all are lucky that I suck at poetry, so you won't have to read the entire history of the alfar in poetic form, lol.

      Aymeri's first reaction to his son's death was rage, which he would have taken out on Avendale and probably a few other towns and any humans he could find if Ico hadn't stopped him. He didn't really get into the grieving until he was left alone.
      And actually, yeah. ;D

      Reinier snapped like pencil, yeah. Sterren needs to escape, but that's not going to be so easy now that he's on full paranoid alert. She will probably ned a little help from the fae if she's going to get away, but there is that little issue of her thinking they might have used her in their (failed) plot to kill Reinier.
      The poses in the last couple of shots are from sets where the male pose is actually abnormally stretched for extra height. I don't like using those so much because all of a sudden, guy is a foot taller than he was last scene, lol. But in this case, that kind of worked. Reinier, like, hulked out and got taller.

      That's the first time I used that top Arienh has. I love it too, it's from the steampunk stuff at the Store. SAdly, it's got some kind of mechanical thinger on the back, but as long as I only show it from the front, it works for this setting.

  5. Yes, Reinier pretty much just snapped there. I can't realy blame him for losing it a little, with assassins trying to kill him (and getting his brother by mistake), and knowing how easily his security was breached.
    But, paranoid Reinier is something Sterren should run away from as fast as she can.

  6. WHOA!
    Not Letting her go?! I wonder if she saw that one coming. I am STILL biting my nails over this.
    In a small way, I understand what he means, and while I was in his character's head, I didn't want to let Sterren go either. That's the last thing he'd want to do.

    I wonder what Reinier's anger will mean for the Wilders.
    That was almost funny how he talked about his elder Landgraab and said he couldn't even hunt a rabbit.

    I don't know what to think of that dude-that-makes-me-think-of-an-elf-but-isn't-an-elf. I mean, I have some thoughts but then I'd just start up on a ramble about them and get nowhere.

    Ico mounted her dragon again. :)

    1. Sterren definitely didn't see it coming. She's only seen one glimpse of his more domineering side. For the most part he's been gentle with her. Because he does have that romantic side. So far she's been telling him 'maybe', and he's been mostly patient waiting for 'yes', but now that push has come to shove, he's not going to accept a 'no'. He's also been put a bit on edge with the assassination attempt, and from his point of view, the woman he loves, andwho has said she loves him, should be standing with him at this critical time.

      Reinier's primary concern right now is with security. He will want revenge, or justice, against the people that murdered his brother trying to get to him. But the fact that they got his brother so easily is a huge problem and he'll need to take care of immediately.
      LOL, hunting rabbits is dangerous business, just ask Elmer Fudd.

      Alfar actually means elf in Scandinavian languages, so Ceyrth actually is an elf. Feel free to ramble about that. =D

      I feel so bad for Aymeri. But he does at least have Ico.

  7. Yeah...Auberon with those words "Death is what they chase after" is not very comforting heh. I'm glad he remained silent after saying that, he was very frank about it. I wonder where and how evenfall or auberon will fit into all of this.

    I-I'm not liking Gaelle much after this chapter! I'm not one to point the blame at one person but her little lie has had a large effect on everyone. I'm sure she'd like to be rid of Morvyn but I'm not so sure he feels the same way about her yet.

    Now that Reinier's brother was killed, the vicious circle of revenge has started! Sterren should get out of this but it's far too late for that. I think last time I wondered what side she would fall on and now she's sort of caught in the middle just wanting to get out but it seems it's far too late for that now. She is being forced to be at Reinier's side now.

    1. Auberon really just tells the truth as he sees it, which is rarely comforting.
      You'll get to se how Auberon fits in to all this pretty soon. Eveie might be taking a little break from the world to mourn Talfryn.

      I'm not trying to present Gaelle as some great or noble character or anything, but I wouldn't say she's to blame for anything that happened. Getting involved with Morvyn was a selfish move on her part, because she did kind of know she would never drop her social status to marry him. And she's been lying to Treveur the whole time, knowing full well that in the end she'd go back to him eventually. So, yeah, she's not a great person.
      But, Morvyn kept some pretty huge secrets from her, too. Like the fact that he's a dragon and is going behind his whole people's back to see her. For him there was never any question of his fling with her being anything more than that. So, I tend to hold him a little more to blame than her, because he was more aware of the risk than she could ever be. Of course her lying to Treveur is all on her.

      Sterren is caught in the middle here, and she also only knows a small piece of the whole puzzle. It will be hard for to stand with people who were willing to assassinate a man, especially since while she doesn't necessarily approve of some of what Reinier was doing, taking the wilder prisoner, she doesn't see him as evil. On the other hand, Reinier isn't asking for her support, he's demanding it, and that's not going to sit well with her either.

      Thanks, Aeon!

  8. Poor Evenfall, she lost her mate. :( For that matter, poor Aymeri, he lost his son!

    Sterren has gotten herself into quite a pickle, lol I don't think "No" is in the Landgraab vocabulary, so I'm sure that while she has been saying "maybe", he's been hearing, "yes" lol. What a sad love story they are going to have!

    Also--if I could make a small request? I was wondering if you wouldn't mind uploading Talfryn? I would totally understand if you say no---but hey---I figured that was the worst you could say, lol :P I just noticed that you have Evenfall available to download---so if I had Talfryn I could send them to another land for their happy ending, lol Thanks!

    1. I know, Talfryn's death was a really sad thing. I really wish I didn't have to do that.

      Yeah, Reinier isn't likely to accept 'no' from her, and he has been working on the assumption that if he was patient and devoted, he'd get to yes. Even up until now, there was actually still that chance, even though there were things about him Sterren didn't like, she does still have these feelings for him, and he could have eventually persuaded her to marry him. But the more domineering he gets, the more he loses her.
      It is a sad love story.

      I can upload Talfryn for you. I think it's really sweet you want to put him and Evie together somewhere, that's a really lovely thought. I'm getting all teary, lol. I'll do that some time this week.

    2. Thank you Cali! You made my day! :D

  9. Where to start... I'm so sad for Evie, Aymeri and Ico *cries* If you upload Talfryn I might have to emulate Nirar in giving Evie and Talfryn a happy ever after...

    I'm on tenterhooks to find out more about the alfar, their history and where they fit into the world and I really hope that Sterren manages to get away from Reinier (I wonder if he'll ever realise that telling her he wouldn't let her go was probably the deciding factor in her refusing him)

    1. I hope you guys do give Tal and Evie a happily ever after. It really made me sad to do that to them. I probably wouldn't have done except for what I wrote about Aymeri's son in the Roman legacy.

      I'm sure some of the fae would like to hear Ceyrth's story and know more about the alfar, so hopefully I can get a bit more of that in the story.

      Getting away from Reinier will be difficult at this point. But Sterren is pretty resourceful, and she has allies in high places so she does have a chance. I actually wonder if Reinier will ever figure out where things went wrong between him and Sterren too. He's got a kind of skewed world view that might get in the way of his really ever understanding her.

  10. WTF, First Poor Evenfall. This is really hard on her and her father was not making it easy. He should remember that he fell for a human and not a dragon.

    Second, I think Sterren needs to see things better. She needs to leave and never look back.

    Third, I love Ico and am happy to see her.

    Fourth another great chapter.

    1. Yeah, Auberon is really not the best at being comforting, He means well, he's just not at all good at it.

      Sterren has been reluctant to see Reinier's dark side because of her affection for him. But really, she'd be better off to get away from him.

      I'm always happy to see Ico, too. =D

      Thanks, Paula!

  11. Ok, so maybe I'm a retard because I like Reinier, but I honestly don't see that he snapped. He upped security because he found out someone had planned to assassinate him --> I feel that's a normal reaction. He loves Sterren so he wants her to be by him since he's paranoid someone's going to kill him, so maybe he'll never see her again if that someone finds out the person they killed wasn't actually him. I don't really get how wanting the person you love next to you because you're afraid you might never see them again is a bad thing. Is it just the way he said it? Cause he used the word "allow?" Like she thinks he's saying she's property or something? I took it as "I will not allow it because it's not safe right now, there's someone running around who hates me, so they might try to hurt the one I love to get to me." Maybe I read into it too much, I don't know, I'm honestly not in the best mood right now...
    Poor Aymeri, I'm so sad for him. I'm glad he has Ico with him. Aww... Evie, I'm glad she can hang with Auberon even though he doesn't know what to say. Sometimes just hanging out is good too, when you're grieving.
    I wonder about Gaelle... her and Treveur both have brown hair, and Morvyn had white-ish hair... how is she going to explain that?
    As always love this story. *hugs*

    1. Aw, hugs to you too.
      I don't think you are a retard for liking Reinier. I like Reinier, I really do, even when he goes off the rails. And you're right, here is just on the edge of (justifiable) paranoia.
      And I love seeing the different reactions people have to Reinier. And there's a sharp difference in reaction from people who've read my Brannon legacy. I really have tried to keep the stories separate enough that you can fully understand what's going on in each one without reading both, but opinions about Reinier are being colored by what people know about how this story plays out from what I've shown about it there.
      For me, it's refreshing to see thoughts about Reinier that are based only on what is known in this story, and I am happy to have readers who are sympathetic to him. =D
      I do think the fact that he's commanding Sterren to stay with him rather than asking is one of the main things that make Reinier seem over the edge. Sterren herself, while a little afraid of him in that last shot, hasn't completely given up on him yet. I wasn't thinking that Reinier might be considering Sterren's safety, mostly because their affair hasn't been extremely public. But, he hasn't gone out of his way to hide it either, so I can see that interpretation of his motives.

      Aymeri and Evie both have some grieving to do. Aymeri does at least have Ico. Poor Evie just has her father. But at least she understands him and his emotional limitations. It was comforting for her to just be held by her father, as long as he kept quiet about his thoughts on dragons.

      It would be difficult for Gaelle to explain a child with Morvyn's hair color, true. If the child were to get that hair color. But on the plus side, Morvyn hasn't really been seen by anyone in the village ever, so it's not like anyone could point to him as being the child's real father. And these are superstitious medievals with no real understanding of genetics, so some crazy ass explanation for such an unnatural hair color might present it itself before anyone even came up with th simpler explanation of the child having another father.

      Thanks so much, I love your comments. And I'm sorry you are in a bad mood today. =(

    2. You're welcome. Thanks for being nice. I think I'll always like Reinier, even if I read the Brannon legacy. I'm pretty used to liking the characters no one else likes, although it's not always the case, it's most usually the case. I'm okay with it cause I like to think I can see some characters from a different perspective, especially the ones who have a quote dark side to them. I think I relate to them more cause I often feel I have a dark side and no one understands me. This is probably due to my mood, but I am almost caught up on this story, and I'm paranoid because later on when I do catch up, I might be one of the first to comment, and I'm scared I'll get railed for liking Reinier. Maybe his paranoia is rubbing off on me at the moment.

    3. Aw, I don't think you need to worry about others railing on you for your comments just because you have a different opinion. I very much value hearing different perspectives, and even getting perspectives on my characters that I may not have thought of myself.
      And you aren't alone in liking the darker characters. I told you before I knew you would like Reinier, and I was happy you did. Because I love the man, even with his darkness and the bad things he's done and will do. I certainly understand why a lot of readers will end up hating him, but I'm also happy that maybe a few will still have some sympathy for him, as I do.
      I hope your mood is better today.

  12. I am going to like Ceyrth a lot. :)

    Aymeri is so devastated :( They never got Talfryn's body back either.

    And what a mess a bed of lies will bring about. I feel badly for Sterren, but she is right. She will always have a secret and there shouldn't be secrets in a relationship. (I don't think anyway) ... and besides that, I don't like Reinier the self proclaimed saviour of everything not magical.

    1. Yay, I like Ceyrth too. =D I need to do more with him, though.

      Losing his son was a huge blow for Aymeri. And they never did get Talfryn's body. Though Reinier did get a tooth as a trophy before he burned hi corpse.

      I agree, secrets and lies are relationship destroyers. But that isn't the half of the problems Sterren and Reinier would face as a couple. They have a strong attraction to each other, but making a life together requires so much more than that.

  13. Too many dragon deaths...ugh=/.
    Well, I think Reinier just lost his mind a little, I'm not sure how trust worthy he is at the moment.
    Although I will say I don't dislike him. Poor Sterren has found herself in a good mess=/.....edenz~

    1. It was really hard for to kill off Talfryn. And it' hard on the dragons when one of theirs dies.
      Reinier is coming a little unhinged there, but with reasons. His brother was assassinated by people who were trying to kill him, and now Sterren is trying to back out. She's definitely found herself in a messy place, there.
